Our Leaders
Meet the Dees
Gary married Judi Nicholson, a graphic designer in 1994. Judi had grown up in Kokstad. They currently have 3 children. Rachel a primary school teacher in Sydney, Nicole a medical doctor and Caleb a final year architectural student.
In 1995 they discovered the old country Zig Zag hotel in the Shongweni valley which became Eagles Rest Mission. During the 1990’s there was a name change from Fremantle Road Christian Fellowship to the House of Prayer.
Gary as a young man had a vision to plant 30 rural churches. Our first Church plant in 1990 was into the Cato Crest informal settlement in Cato Manor, Durban. Then another at Bux Farm, Cliffdale, and Mansenseni. This was the beginning of our Pastors for Africa ministry serving rural churches and communities across the SADAC region of Africa.
Our Story
In 2000 the old Church in Fremantle Road was sold as it only seated 120 people and was cramping the growth of the Church. For over a year the Malvern Children’s Home was home to the House of Prayer. During this time the Church tendered for the 4000 square metre railway property and were the only bidders so we bought the new Church site for R220 000.
This was followed by the re-zoning of the property and then the drawing of the new plans. Building began in November 2001 when the 30m x15m steel structure was erected. The whole Church was built on cash donations and was completed two years later.
Our name captures clearly who we are and comes from Isaiah 56:7 and quoted by Jesus in the Gospels. “My house will be called a house of prayer for all the nations.” We have our greatest sense of destiny when we connect with the nations.
Over the years the Lord has added the most amazing people into our lives to help us walk fully into all that He has called us to.

Our Story
In 2000 the old Church in Fremantle Road was sold as it only seated 120 people and was cramping the growth of the Church. For over a year the Malvern Children’s Home was home to the House of Prayer. During this time the Church tendered for the 4000 square metre railway property and were the only bidders so we bought the new Church site for R220 000.
This was followed by the re-zoning of the property and then the drawing of the new plans. Building began in November 2001 when the 30m x15m steel structure was erected. The whole Church was built on cash donations and was completed two years later.
Our name captures clearly who we are and comes from Isaiah 56:7 and quoted by Jesus in the Gospels. “My house will be called a house of prayer for all the nations.” We have our greatest sense of destiny when we connect with the nations.
Over the years the Lord has added the most amazing people into our lives to help us walk fully into all that He has called us to.
On earth as it is in heaven…
The Lord’s Prayer in Matt 6:9-10 is precisely how we are called to live lives that please the heavenly Father. We are called to live the life of Heaven on earth. Right here, right now.
Your Name be honoured,
Your Kingdom come.
Your Will be done.
On earth as it is in heaven.
We believe that the message of the Kingdom of God was central to all Jesus said and did. This Gospel of the Kingdom must therefore to be central to the life and message of His Church today. Our task is to SHOW the world His eternal Kingdom, then TELL them how they can become part of it.
Our Values
What Is Important To Us
Our values act like traffic lights and determine both how we speak and how we conduct our lives. Biblical Values that ensure we walk faithfully before the Lord, blameless and pleasing in His sight. (Gen 17:1-2)
We do not want false finishing lines in our lives, especially concerning eternity. Jesus was clear in John 3:3,5 that “Unless you are born again of the Spirit, you cannot even see, let alone enter the eternal Kingdom of God.
We believe in Eternal Judgement, the wages of sin is still death. One day each one of us will give an account not only for what we have done, but also what we were called to do. We encourage all to fully embrace Gods Redemption Plan rather than the Self Payment Plan for SIN..
Our number one priority is to be a people who love to spend time alone each day with the Father in prayer, and in His Word.
Our number two priority is gathering together each week as the Kingdom Community. Something is seriously wrong when folk are not faithfull to gather together each week in Jesus Name. (Hebrews 10:25)
We believe in ‘sola Scriptura’. God’s Word is the final authority in the life of disciple and the affairs of the local Church.
We want to be a people who meditate on God’s Word until it becomes a revelation. Why would we settle for a verse when we can have a revelation. As a friend of ours often reminds us, “Work the Word until it works in you.”
We believe that His Church is a family. As we often say, “If Church is not family, then it is not Church.”
We are ordinary people who are very aware of the extraordinary call of God upon each of our lives. William Carey the Father of modern mission said, “Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God.”
We strongly believe in the “proper working of each individual part”. (Eph 4:16) We are not a Church of spectators but believe every member has an ‘assignment from heaven’, ‘a ministry we have personally received from the Lord Himself. (Acts 20:24)
We often discuss what Jesus had in mind when He said, “I will build My Church and not even the gates of hell will be able to stand against it.” (Matt:16:18) We want to be that kind of Church.
We have a passion to “grow the Church young”. Our goal is that half of the Church be under 30 years old and half over thirty years old. In Malachi 4:6 a sign of the end time Church will be that He will turn the hearts of the fathers back to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers. We celebrate both young and old in our Church.
We read about the Divine Obligation in Romas 12:1-2. He died for us. We live for Him. We want to live lives fully surrendered to Him and His will. God first. We understand we are bought with a price and no longer belong to ourselves.
Our Vision
God’s Vision. Our Mission.
We believe the Church is to have the same mission and message as Jesus. The ministry of Jesus was built on three pillars. These are our top priorities when we minister.
- Preach the gospel of the Kingdom
- Heal the sick
- Set captives free
The eternal Plan of God is to restore His Kingdom on the earth. This plan is clearly spelt out in Jesus final commission to His Church. Matthew 28:1-20 ”All authority in heaven and earth has been given to Me. As you go, wherever you go, make disciples of every nation.”
Discipleship is bringing men firstly into a right relationship with the Father and secondly into a right relationship with one another. That’s why community is so crucial. “The Kingdom must impact and transform every area of our lives. That is the Kingdom way of living we are called to and the task of discipleship.”
Discipleship therefore has both vertical and horizontal dimensions. The Great Commandment of Jesus spells this out clearly. Love the Lord with all your heart and love one another as I have loved you.
Jesus declared Himself the Light of the world and then said, “If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father” He then went on to say to His Church, ‘you are the light of the world.’ People must be able to see what Father God is like in us. What a huge mandate He has placed upon our shoulders,
One day while pondering the reason for our existence as a Church. He gave me the Original Intent. “To build a close community of like- minded people, who love and serve the Lord with all their heart, who are determined to make disciples of all nations and enjoy living life deeply together.” That in a nutshell describes what we are all about.
Our Leadership
Meet some of the Team
He who wants to be the greatest must become the servant of all.
Matthew 20:28 Jesus did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life. If servanthood is above you, then leadership is beneath you. To be in authority you first need to learn to be under authority. We are not into title and position but getting the job done.

Leaders & STAFF

Gary Deetlef
Pastor & Head Elder

Malcolm Bagwell

Heinz Hiestermann

Sandra Olsen
Seniors Leaders

Bernice Lourens
Seniors Leader
Youth & Kids Leaders

Nicole Deetlefs & Caleb Deetlefs
Youth Leaders

Kelz van der Riet
Youth Adults Leader

Nicolene Bendall
Kids Connect Leader
Our Ministry
The proper working of each individual part…
Ephesians 4:16 “When each part is working properly, it makes the body grow, so that it builds itself up in love.” A foundational Scripture for us. Every member has a part to play. We want very member to know their assignment from God, the ministry they have received from the Lord. – Acts 20:24
- Connect Groups
- Care Groups
- Seniors Ministry
- Kidz Church
- Young Adults
- Youth Ministry
- Worship Ministry
- Music Development
- Practical Helps
- Projection Ministry
- Ushers
- Fund Raiser Team
- Internship Program
- Deliverance Team
- Councelling Team
- Mission Team
- Love Cupboard
- Bookshop
- Sunday Hospitality Team
- Coffee Shop Baristas
- Follow up Team
- Hospital Visitation
- Sound Engineering
- Encounter Weekends
- HOP Online Durban
- New Members Course
- Leadership Training
- Bible College Online
- Recording Studio
- Media Ministry
- Video editing
- Connect Groups
- Care Groups
- Seniors Ministry
- Kidz Church
- Young Adults
- Youth Ministry
- Worship Ministry
- Music Development
- Practical Helps
- Projection Ministry
- Ushers
- Fund Raiser Team
- Internship Program
- Deliverance Team
- Councelling Team
- Mission Team
- Love Cupboard
- Bookshop
- Sunday Hospitality Team
- Coffee Shop Baristas
- Follow up Team
- Hospital Visitation
- Sound Engineering
- Encounter Weekends
- HOP Online Durban
- New Members Course
- Leadership Training
- Bible College Online
- Recording Studio
- Media Ministry
- Video editing