Our Giving

Giving back to God

We believe that God is no man’s debtor. We cannot out give God. God loves a cheerful giver. We believe the Lord is generous toward us and we want to be generous toward His Church and others.


Matthew 6:33 Teaches us to make His Kingdom our top priority, to be first place in our lives and then all the things the world chases after will be added to us. We have found this to be so true and live whole heartedly by this principle.

Ways to Give

There are a number of ways you can contribute to the ministry in the House and beyond. The House of Prayer account is for the local Church and Eagles Rest Mission and the Pastors for Africa Account is for ministry among the rural Churches in Southern Africa

The House of Prayer

Standard Bank – Queensburgh
Account No  05 316 2722
Branch code  04812600
Cheque Account.

Pastors for Africa

Standard bank – Queensburgh
Account No  25 090 6090
Branch code 04812600
Cheque account.